Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)CATS

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The ITP is a section of the IEP that outlines transition goals and services for the student with disability. The IDEA requires that all students must have an ITP by the age of 16. The ITP is the template for mapping out short-term to long-term adult outcomes from which annual goals and objectives defined.

There are two important components in the ITP. One is a plan including educational goals for a child with disabilities to achieve independent adult live after leaving school. It should include in the areas of independent living , employment (including supported employment), post-secondary education, self-determination skills . Law will require ITP planning should include experience in the community. Schools provide various unique programs for students between 16-22 years of age who are in transition from high school to adulthood.

The other component of the ITP is establishing an inter-agency linkage. School should play a role of case manager creating a collaborating team between school and other government and public service organizations . Parents also can contact and invite professionals from the future service organizations. This inter-agency linkage is a key component ensuring a seamless smooth transition from school to adulthood for people with disabilities.

What must be included in the ITP?
• Address the student’s preferences, interests, strengths, and needs
• Participation of parents
• List of participants for specific goals
• A coordinated set of activities demonstrating use of various strategies, community and adult living experiences
• Annual goals
• Responsibilities of parents and students

Why is transition planning important ?

Transition to adulthood is challenging for students with disabilities. Without guidance, students often fail or isolate themselves from the community. Transition planning provides student, family and the educators to be ready for the real world. The goals are tailored to the student’s strengths and provide the options for his/her future.

ITP team members
• Student
• Parents and family members
• Special education teachers
• School administrator
• Occupation teacher
• General education teacher
• Counseling teacher
• Professionals from the adult service organizations
• Job developer
• Employer and community leaders
• Job coach
• Transition specialist