Day Activity Centers CATS

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The Day Activity Centers program is a program centered around local communities for those with developmental disabilities or with severe disabilities, who are limited in the participation of job-related programs. Day Activity must be recorded in the IPP to be eligible to participate in it.

The Day Activity program can be in an appointed organization or various programs in the local community.

Below are services provided in Day Activity Centers.
• Activities to learn and maintain skills for individual life and independent living
• Education to improve the interaction with others, develop the ability to express one’s request to others, and maintain the ability to follow directions
• Training to self-advocate and to learn skills for job
• Learn skills for local community inclusion to utilize various services in the local community
• Improve behaviors to help appropriate social behavior
• Improve ability for socialization and leisure activities

There are many Day Activity Centers providing various educational opportunities for developmental disabilities in local community. Contact nearby Regional Centers for more detailed information on Day Activity centers and programs.

Supporting organizations for Day Activities

Individuals and organizations must be approved as vendors of Regional Centers to offer Day Activities for those with developmental disabilities by acquiring necessary licenses and programs developed meeting the needs of governmental offices. Contact the resource offices of regional centers if you would like to be registered as Day Activity Centers.

There are many Day Activity centers and programs for those with developmental disabilities. Therefore, an individual with disabilities and his/her parents need to get the list of Day Activity Centers approved by Regional Centers, visit a few centers, learn their programs, find out the necessary skills they need to learn, and select and attend the program reciprocally helpful.